Tuesday 25 November 2008

White Ribbon Campaign Day & Week

It's been a busy week and today it's White Ribbon Day which starts off a week or more of men pledging not to commit, condone or to remain silent about violence to women. It's a fantastic campaign and if you're not familiar with it, I urge you to have a look at my blog post on the 8th November and follow the link to the WRC website or the link in the right hand column under the red title header of campaigning.

I was really heartened to read the BBC South of Scotland online news and to see that Deputy Chief Constable George Graham of Dumfries and Galloway Constabulary is fully supporting the campaign and asking other men to do the same. The police attend many incidents of domestic violence and of course, there is their own ex-police inspector Adam Caruthers who was guilty of rapes and sexual assaults and many more victims were identified who suffered at the hands of Carruthers over a 20 year period. Is this another real step forward from the old 'male-dominated macho police culture' that was very evident and shocked me when I first joined the Special Constabulary? For me, I see WRC and the police's support for the campaign today as very positive and progressive. Well done to D&G Police.

What is especially interesting is that my blog was picked up on by some of the local papers last week and one newspaper group, the Dumfriesshire News Group, concentrated on my post about the White Ribbon Campaign and on my support for it. They published articles on the WRC and on the case of Adam Carruthers. Then the news of the D&G Constabulary support for WRC today. How the word spreads and all for the greater good. I hope this all makes men think about the actions of other men, or indeed to think about their own actions, even if that is about condoning or remainging silent about such dreadful behaviour that affects the lives of women.

I was proud to wear a white ribbon today, as I have done since it arrived in the post a couple of weeks ago. My carer also asked me for a white ribbon and she has been wearing it proudly and telling people what it's all about. This isn't about gender, but it is about violence and sadly the fact is that men are the main perpetrators of violence toward women.

A stark fact from WRC: violence against women causes more deaths and disability women in the 15 - 44 age group than cancer, malaria, traffic accidents and war. That shocked me - does it shock you?

As WRC say,
men can work to change behaviour that is both emotionally and physically violent to create a world that is based on gender equality."

Please show your support. Wear a white ribbon and support the campaign. Please donate to WRC if you can afford to - the money goes towards helping women's aid and rape crisis charities who deal with the aftermath of male violence against women.


Anonymous said...

Hi Jane,
Thanks for sharing the news from your area.
We've had a great day being busy and its just an encouragement to make even bigger waves all year around.
Thanks a lot for your help and support.
Chris, WRC

Jane Dearie said...

Chris, it's a pleasure to be of help with the WRC and to support your efforts. Such good news that the local police force have taken this up and publicised it too, as well as regional papers.
Hope it all bodes well for the future of WRC and the positive outcomes for us all.

Anonymous said...

Good on you Jane and I'm sad for what happened to you and to so many other women. I'm a man who also supports WRC and I hate the violence that some men put women through - especially 'men' like Carruthers.

Jane Dearie said...

Alan, many thanks for your comment. Good to hear of your support for WRC and thanks for reading about the issues involved for those of us who are victims of Carruthers. If you feel so inclined and live in Scotland, please write to your MSP.
Best wishes, Jane

debra said...

Onward, Jane. You are doing what needs to be done. I am wearing a white ribbon on this side of the pond.

Jane Dearie said...

Thanks Debra. I hope Thanksgiving Day was good for you all. I'll think of the people, like yourself proudly wearing your white ribbon and actively caring. Debra, you're a person who knows that if some of us don't stand up to be counted and speak out then evil will triumph because many good people did nothing and the awful sides will never change to become fairer and a more just society will never happen. We can make it happen by speaking out and actively campaigning. Thanks for your continued support.
Jane xxx

Eryl Shields said...

I can't believe I haven't commented here before, on this post I mean. Nor did I get a white ribbon, and I really did mean to, promise to do better next year.

I'm so proud to know you Jane, with all you've been through you still manage to do good. You're a role model for us all. Eryl XXX

Jane Dearie said...

Hi Eryl, hey, I know your heart was with us all on WRDay, but you've got so much on your plate that it's hard, if not impossible to do everything! That's why I've not got another post up yet but I am working on getting that sorted as soon as I can get a spare moment to put up a meaningful post.
I'm not sure about being a role model ....I just desperately want to see changes in the way things are for victims of crime just now so we are considered to have some human rights in the system ...instead of being pawns with few if any rights.
Jane xxx