Tuesday, 3 March 2009


Apologies for no posts on the blog for a while. We've had a very significant birthday to celebrate in the family. I hope we will continue to do so at various times during the rest of the year. That takes priority when it's somebody who is so special.
More recently I've had a bad whack of asthma and am coping with that annoying problem. Two rounds of 'stair rods,' steroids in normal speak, and I'm still fighting the wheezes in spite of all that's being thrown at my lungs. Inhalers and nebuliser are all in full flow - more than my lungs are!

Thanks to Dr Elaine Murray MSP for the motion in the Scottish Parliament on the issue of pensions for convicted offenders, pursued at public expense, who committed offences through their work. I hope this will lead to something positive and change in the future. I know this is a long haul and nothing will happen overnight, but the issue of legal aid for a convicted rapist to fight for a pension when he raped whilst on duty is something that must be followed up until a sensible solution is found. I still can't believe that is has been at the expense of the public purse.

A very firm positive hand of solidarity to Ann Robertson ,43, who was a witness in the recent Grangemouth rape case, held at the High Court, Edinburgh, with two other victims of sexual assault. Ann, a particularly unfortunate rape witness in this court case was ordered to be held in custody overnight by Judge Roger Craik. Why? She broke down in the witness box whilst giving evidence and was so upset she tried to leave. Judge Craik thought this was sufficient reason to lock her up for contempt of court. Ultimately Ann's attacker was found guilty of abusing two other girls at this trial but Ann's rape case was dropped as a result of the trauma she suffered in court giving evidence.

I found that giving evidence at a rape trial was an extremely harrowing experience. I still can't decide if it was worse than the event itself or on a par with it. Talking over horrific details of a very intimate personal assault in front of a lot of strangers is not something that any normal person could be happy with. It is horribly difficult. Like many victims of rape, there are those of us who suffer from varying degrees of PTSD as a result of the offence(s.) Reliving the experience is extremely traumatic and it flipped my PTSD symptoms to extremes before, during and after the trial. I didn't do well in court, I felt a wreck, I had to be excused by the judge at times and drank gallons of water and it seemed like I cried equal amounts in tears and used masses of paper hankies.

Ann, if you read this blog, I really feel for you. It's beyond belief for you to have been treated in this way. Very well done for managing to speak out about the horrific and, I feel, utterly inhuman treatment that you received. You are stronger than you might think and I take my hat off to you for speaking out and for asking for changes as a result of what Judge Craik did to you. In my mind Judge Craik has put the work of rape crisis centres and victim support workers back many years. The statistics comparing reported rapes to convictions is dire enough as it is. Judge Craik has undoubtedly made it a more difficult decision for any future victim to feel able to come forward and to hope to be treated reasonably and with respect.

As for the ongoing disgraced ex-cop Carruthers pension claim against Dumfries and Galloway Council - there was a third preliminary hearing at Dumfries Sheriff Court last Thursday. I do not have an outcome for this latest hearing. I phoned the court to find out and was told that the information could not be released to me. That said, the following night on Lookaround the presenters said a date had been set for the full hearing but they didn't say what it was. So I don't have that date as yet. As we know, victims and council tax payers who are helping to defend this deplorable action taken by serial sex offender Carruthers are being treated badly yet again. People don't seem to count. Heaven forbid he wins, we will have to pay again through our council tax. Double whammy.

Anybody who does have a date for the full hearing, do please leave a comment on the blog and I'll chase it up and then let you all know what the supporters wishing to see a fair deal plan to do next to highlight this atrocious claim funded by public money through Legal Aid.


Anonymous said...

Good to see you back Jane. Hope you feel better soon. Horrific to hear about Ann Robertson. Judge should never be in charge of trials like that. Absolutely disgusting. Think she's as brave as you are. Good on you both.
Still waiting for Carruters to fall flat on his face. He's got some cheek. How dare he keep on with this? I suppose because it's not costing him a penny. You're right it's people like us that pay.

debra said...

If you can post Judge Craik's address, I would write to him to ask what his rationale was in jailing Ann Robertson.
I am glad that your legislators are responding to you. It is astounding that convicted felons who committed their crimes whilst on the job should receive their pensions,and be able to use public funds to pursue them!
Please keep us informed as you get more information.

Anonymous said...

This is my money he's using. Of course we should know when the hearing is. Public interest and all that.

Jane Dearie said...

Thanks Anon. Asthma's such a pest. Quite agree over Craik. Deplorable and it appears a complete lack of understanding and compassion for Ann's situation. Jane

Hi Debra, great to hear from you. I wish I had Judge Craik's address as I'd be writing too. I'll see if I can find out how to get in touch and if successful will fire it over to you. Jane xxx

R thanks for your comment. I'd be interested if you contacted the court, D&G council or D&G police and see if you are given a date for the full hearing. As you rightly say - "it's your money and it's in the public interest." Carruthers has nothing to lose so he'll keep going for as long as he can. If he wins then perhaps his victims will get together and go for a civil action against him - he'll have funds to pay for defending it himself. The same high level of proof is not required for a civil claim as opposed to the 'beyond all reasonable doubt' needed in the High Court. best wishes, Jane

Anonymous said...

God I hate Carruthers. He and the likes of Judge Craik shouldn't have the right to be called humans.
Carruthers, you'll get it one day. I promise you.
Craik, you deserve to lose your job alsao before you hurt anybody else. YOuve' set rape victims back years and years.
Angry Woman

Anonymous said...

Jane, you care so much about these issues and your fight for fairness is amazing. Well done to you. I am in awe of women like you.
Hope you're better soon.

Anonymous said...

Craik should be sacked now. What he did to that poor woman was disgusting.
He's about as evil and thoughtless as Carruthers is.
If anybody knows how to get hold of Judge Craik I'd like to write and tell him exactly what I think of him. Ann, good on you for talking about it. Jane thanks for highlighting it on your blog.

Anonymous said...

If that man gets his pension then the justice system has failed us all.

Anonymous said...

Compare Carruthers with Sir Fred Goodwin of RBS. Only Sir fred has raped our money not women. Neither deserve a pension of any amount. Not at our expense. Both are a disgrace to society.

Eryl said...

I think an open letter to one of the national news papers calling for Judge Craik's resignation is in order: we can't have people like this in our judiciary.

Sorry to have missed you today, hope you feel better soon, XXX

Jane Dearie said...

AW - I quite agree about Craik especially. Universal justice is overdue for Carruthers and I'm sure one day it will come around as it usually does.

BR - thanks very much and thanks for joining the comments. I just hope it all does some good - preferably soon as possible.

Anon - I hope that Ann R will achieve loads of strength from the support of many decent people to her treatment. She deserves that at the very least. I just wish she had justice to go with it.

S - you put it well. I couldn't agree more. The justice system already fails so many as we know. Ann R is just one example of not getting justice.

Anon - good comparison! So many people who saved for a rainy day are now suffering, as are many RBS employees.

Eryl - great idea! Yep, you or me? When I'm better? Me sad to miss you today too. This dose of wheezes is getting a right bore. Whatever, I hope Judge Craik gets the message that it was inappropriate to treat a rape victim in that manner. Lol, Jane xxx

Eryl said...

I'll try and knock up a rough draft tomorrow and email it to you, together we should be able to put something firm yet reasonable together.

Jane Dearie said...

Thanks Eryl. Yep I reckon between us we could make something powerful. What happened to Ann is utterly atrocious. If this doesn't help Ann then at least it might help people in the future in a similar position. Give Judge Craik something to think about - such as treatment of vulnerable witnesses in such sensitive cases. LOL, Jane xxx

Anonymous said...

Why couldn't they tell you the next hearing date. it's public money he's using to get a pension he doesn't deserve - so it shoul dbe public informtation. This is crazy.
What next - that cop who trtied to kill his wife gets to do the same thing at our expense too. No deterrent to rogue cops and they know it. What does it say about our society? It stinks.

Eryl said...

I haven't quite done it yet, I have an ear infection and it's really messing up my thought process. I won't be going to school tomorrow, I don't want to infect the class and I can't hear anything anyway. So I'll try and do it then.

debra said...

if you post the letter, then others can sign it as well. I would sign it from this side of the Pond.

Jane Dearie said...

ST - yep it does make you wonder where the justice lies. I too have thought about that other convicted ex-cop and if were to take the same route and the dreadful effect this is likely to have on his ex-wife.

Eryl - really sorry to hear you're still poorly. Get well asap.

Debra - great idea and thanks for your wonderful support from the other side of the water. Hope you're well.

Jane Dearie said...

There was a comment left in the last post which relates to this one so here it is:

Anon - Solidarity indeed. Behind you Jane and behind Ann too. All women need to stick together and fight against dreadful injustices.

Many thanks Anon. Well said and I quite agree.

Eryl- I'm sorry I forgot to say before I hit the publish button - that letter can certainly wait until you're better. Keep warm, take it easy and rest up. LOL, Jane xox

Anonymous said...

In the E&L as next hearing on Thursday ...but only to set a date for a full hearing. These things take an age. Like idea of his victims suing him if he wins.
Holly x

Jane Dearie said...

Hi Holly, many thanks for that. I'm so behind with the news and papers with still not being 100%. I assume this will be a full hearing date set at some time in the far distance knowing the court process.
Thanks to others how have got in touch via my email about seeing the next date in the papers.
best wishes, Jane

angryparsnip said...

Hello Jane!
Good to hear from you. Was starting to worry...Sorry to hear about the Asthma but it will get better even though you think it never will. It kinda' sneaks up on you and one day you notice you feel better.
Not sure how much an American voice will help, we aren't high on everyone's list right now but I'll sign or send a letter too...
Keep well...

Jane Dearie said...

Hi AP! Good to hear from you. Thanks for supporting this great injustice to Ann too. It's horrendous to treat a witness in this way. Support from wherever in the world is another voice making a point that victims must be treated fairly and with respect.
Eryl has come up with a great letter. Now I'm almost getting on my feet again, I'll get on to it.
Jane x