Thursday, 11 June 2009

Pension hearing starts Tuesday 16th June

Many of you have emailed me to ask for a date the pension hearing case. A journalist had told me it was to start next Thursday, but looking at the Scottish Courts Lists for Dumfries, the hearing of
Adam Carruthers vs Dumfries and Galloway Council
over his right to a full police pension , is scheduled to start on Tuesday 16th June at 10 a.m. at Dumfries Sheriff Court, Buccleuch Street, Dumfries. His claim is in spite of the fact that he raped and sexually assaulted women whilst on duty as a senior police officer.

The court lists show that three days have been set aside for this hearing. Three days! I know, I can imagine what many of you are thinking and it's probably not much different to my own thoughts. At this stage, Carruthers still has almost three years of his prison sentence left to serve, even though he is currently serving it at home in his local community with conditions attached following his release last September.

This hearing is at the expense of the tax payer, income and council tax as it's funded by Legal Aid and the local council have to fight the case using our council tax payments. I'm certainly not happy about that especially as I haven't even got a pension to look forward to.

I won't be at the hearing as the terms of Carruthers licence would make that impossible and, to be honest, I have no desire to see that 'man' ever again should he have the brass neck to appear in person. No doubt I'll hear on the news the outcome of the case ...whenever it comes and be able to update you on the blog. After all that's happened with various stages of the Carruthers case I won't be holding my breath with the outcome of this one.

If Carruthers wins, as I've already alluded to, I believe it would be give his many other victims the opportunity to take him to court through the civil court. 'Proof beyond all reasonable doubt' is not required in a civil case as it was for the criminal case held at Glasgow High Court in May 2001. All of you who have suffered at the hands of Carruthers might like to bear this in mind. He is already a convicted rapist and serial sex offender.

The big question will be rape a pensionable occupation?


Eryl said...

Will be there in your honour to quietly protest about this ridiculousness.

Jane Dearie said...

You're a star Eryl. Many thanks to you. It sounds as if you'll be joined by quite a few similarly outraged council tax payers who will be carrying out a dignified protest at pr around 10. I've heard the BBC will be covering it again. Hope it's a dry day for you all. I'm sure all victims of this 'man' and all income and council tax payers will thank you all for fighting for justice.
Jane xxx

Anonymous said...

If rape is a pensionable occuaption then I won'tbe paying any taxes and they can throw me in the jail. Then I could abuse public money like carruthers is doing. Who will be the biger criminal? Me for not wanting my tax money to pay this shit a pension or him for being a serious serial pervert who is chancing his arm and won't admit he's a rapist. Good on you folk who support this blog.
Good luck protesters. Wish I could be there with you. Bet his victims wish that too.

Anonymous said...

This is awful. A police officer? Where are the human rights for victims who didn't get a choice when he raped them? He should never have been let out of prison day somebody will want to get even for the lives he's wrecked. More so if he takes cases like this to court. That's how it would be over here. I felt ashamed to be a man when i read this.

Jim, NJ, USA

Jane Dearie said...

Anon, thanks for those thoughts. I reckon they're echoed by many people. Thankfully there are lot of decent people in the world.

Jim - thanks for stopping by my blog. You're not the first man to say he feels ashamed of his gender because of the actions of Carruthers ilk. Your comments show your respect for others. Carruthers is a 'man' but it's not as most decent men behave.
I can imagine in your part of the world people like Carruthers would be jailed for a very long time. If they did get out I can also imagine that there would be those who would condemn Carruthers actions and deal with him in a very final way ...or is that just in films?
I agree, his time in prison was nowhere long enough for the crimes he committed, then number of victims traced and considering the power he abused.
Thanks for the comments Jim.

debra said...

Dear Jane
I don't know how I missed your post and today is the 16th. I am there in spirit. Fingers crossed.
Hugs to you

Anonymous said...

I object to my taxes being used to pay someone for being a rapist.

Anonymous said...

We saw the protestors today outside the court in Dumfries. Dignified and great points on your boards. Well done to all those there. I certainly don't want my taxes to pay the likes of him. Money is tight enough these days. he deserves to rot in hell - sooner the better.
Good to see you blogging again Jane.

Anonymous said...

My blood is boiling with the likes of him and other people like him.
Well done to all today - great job, great publicity.

Jane Dearie said...

Hi Debra,
Thanks so much for your kind thoughts - I'm sure the protesters felt them and I certainly did. That pond is just to far to cross for you but thanks for being with everybody today to fight against injustices.
Love, Jane xxx

Jane Dearie said...

Peter, thanks so much for your comment. I feel exactly the same and I only pay council tax. It must be hard for everbody who's finding times are hard just now to see their money being put towards this case. Carruthers is what the jury and Lord Dawson said at the court in May 2001 - a serial rapist and sex offender.

Holly, thanks for stopping by the blog again. It's great that you saw the protest at the court today. I could only listen to the radio and watch on the tele but was very impressed with those who turned out. They're so kind and thoughtful for all victims and tax payers.

Thanks 'S'
I'm sure the people who were there will read your comment and know that people did notice them today. Yep, there are a lot of people with blood at boiling point with this case. It shows a level for what is decent and reasonable and what is not.

Best to you all and thanks for your comments, Jane

Anonymous said...

What a brass neck this character has. He's wasting my money and masses of other peoples. He's the lowest of low life of D&G.

Anonymous said...

Jane I so admire your determination and guts. You're amazing.I know it can't be easy for you. You care so much about us all. Thanks.
One of his victims.

Anonymous said...

HIS human rights? Don't insult us all by trying that one Carruthers. You are a bad egg and you were found out, blasted all confidence in the local police and destroyed many lives. Carruthers, you deserve nothing better than to grovel in the gutter for the rest of your life.

angryparsnip said...

Jane. ..
You have been in my thoughts since your last post.
Keeping good thoughts! and sending them your way.

Jane Dearie said...

Anon - brass neck is absolutely right if not cast iron feelings too. It's not costing him anything so he doesn't care. I think the people that protested at the court think otherwise and are on the sense of justice for victims and better use of public money.

A N Other victim - I'm so sorry for you to be in the same boat as me and many other women. This can't be easy for you either, but thanks for taking the time to read the blog and to add your support and words of encouragement. It's much appreciated as it is tough to do, but I think very important too. Good to feel we're not alone in how we feel. Take care, Jane

Parsnip - hello, many thanks! I too have been sending positive thoughts to all those involved in the case who have survived the heinous deeds of this 'man.' I reckon to think positively is a great help to us all - and to hope that commen sense and justice will prevail.
many thanks, Jane