Wednesday, 25 March 2009

A full pension hearing date

After an incredible four preliminary hearings, at heaven knows what expense to the public purse taken from council tax and income tax payers, a date has finally been set for a full pension hearing for rapist, ex-cop Adam Carruthers. Will we finally discover if rape is a pensionable occupation? Are police officers who have turned bad going to be pensioned in spite of such heinous crimes? What will that say about our society?

Many thanks to the journalists who were kind enough to get in touch and give me the date for the full hearing.

The date has been set as 18th June 2009, but one kind journalist has said that there is a chance it could happen the week before on the 11th June. The only way to find out is to log onto the Scottish Courts website and they only post up hearing 5 days beforehand. As 11th is a Thursday, it might only become public on the Monday before? That's the justice system for you. The rape trial in 2001 finally ran at it's fifth and last possible date before it became 'time barred.'

I'm not sure how civil cases work in the courts with regards to dates and if they are as unreliable on time as the criminal cases often are. I remember in 2001 being sickened at being all geared up to give evidence at the High Court only to hear that the trial had been postponed. Four postponements was not the way to treat victims of such serious crimes who all had psychological injuries as a result of the actions of Carruthers.

So come the full pension hearing I know there is a lot of support out there and there are many of you who have been in touch who wish to hold another quiet, dignified protest at the court in Dumfries when the hearing is on. This is possibly your date ....or do I mean dates?

The journalists tell me that the hearing is likely to take three days. Three days?!!! How long does it take to say that crimes of rape and sexual assault committed by a police officer on duty is not in the job description of "Protecting the public and preventing crime?" In my probable naivety I would have thought that is the crux of this case. It seems to me that three days is a long time to argue out if Carruthers can or cannot have his full police pension (gained at public expense through legal aid) yet he quite obviously committed very serious crimes and didn't protect the public at times when he was employed as a senior police officer by Dumfries and Galloway Constabulary.

So is rape a pensionable occupation? We'll find out in a few months time.
June will reveal how this goes ....or will it?! I'm so cynical after my experience of years of the justice and court system and the antics of serial sex offender Adam Carruthers. I'm sure all of his victims will find it a difficult time when the case comes to court again. He won't care about that.

However, if he wins, I wonder if he'll mind if his many victims sue him? The ones who were denied justice especially have every right to do that and if he should win then he will obviously have an income at the very least - even if it's not actually in his pocket until his retirement date. A civil case does not require the same level of absolute proof that a criminal case does - it does not have to be beyond all reasonable doubt in the civil court.

Now there's an interesting scenario!


Eryl said...

There will be a lot of clever arguments going on in that court over those three days. let us hope the council has the better lawyer. It is notoriously difficult to successfully sue a government body like the council for normal law abiding folk, fingers crossed it's the same for criminals. Sadly, I have my doubts: there is something totally skewed about the decision that there is a case to answer in the first place, how Carruthers case has got as far as this... I can only hope it's in order to set a precedent and stop others like him even bothering to fight in future.

Anyway, whatever the date I'll be ready to stand outside the court in as dignified a manner as I can muster. X

Jane Dearie said...

Eryl, yep, there will be 'clever' arguments going on and it will be interesting to see if this is a test case to stop this ludicrous situation from happening again. Might the currently jailed sergeant from D&G who tried to kill his ex-wife also get a full pension? I can think of many far worthier uses of money from the public purse than benefitting non-repentant criminals like Carruthers.
As ever thanks for your support and, when it comes, on the day too. Jane xxx

Anonymous said...

Perhaps this is a 'test case' about police pension rights. It still shouldn't be allowed to happen with such a big trail of victims of serious crimes as Carruthers has left behind him.
I'll be joining those who went last time. Sad to have missed the protest in January but next time I can be there. I'll be utterly diginified too! Good on you for sticking with this Jane. I'm sure it can't be easy for any of you.

Anonymous said...

Three days worth of what is coming from my council tax and income tax to fight this ridiculous case - NO WAY!
The man should be shot for this.

angryparsnip said...

Marking the dates on my calendar so I'll be sure to check back.

To me you would think it is very clear cut case, but for some reason
the perpetrator seem to get more help than the victim.

Good luck to you and I keep you in my heart. parsnip

Jane Dearie said...

S - many thanks for the support. I can see you care about how your money from the public purse is spent as well. I'm sure the supporters present will make you very welcome on the day(s)! I will most likely not be allowed to be there for legal reasons, but I'll be there in spirit. best wishes, Jane

Anon - three days does seem extreme doesn't it? I fear Adam Carruthers has absolutely no conscience about what he does to victims (as he didn't in the past) or money from public funds that is for his own gain. Best wishes, Jane

Parsnip - Hello! Yes, to us mortals it does seem clear cut, but as you rightly say, the perpetrators get more rights than the victims - far more rights. Is that a just society? I think not. Jane x

Anonymous said...

This is bad news for anybody reporting rape or sexual assault. Is there nothing that will stop this man from 'trying it on' at our expense? So who will report a police officer for offences when they read this sort of thing? I'm disgusted with our country and the way it's run. Thanks to you Jane for standing up to be counted against such atrocious treatment of victims.

Anonymous said...

A complete waste of money if ever there was. Carruthers is a complete waste of space too - like Fred Goodwin he's a greedy b......d.
I'll be with you all at the full hearing too.

Jane Dearie said...

Anon - this whole case has knocked a lot of the problems of reporting rape back into the Dark Ages: especially if it's against a police officer. It's not a good example to victims.
It's only by standing up and speaking out that things might change for the victims of the future. Anything to give victims a fairer deal and an equal playing field with the perpetrators is worth it in my eyes.
Best wishes, Jane

B - I couldn't agree with you more and an interesting parallel to be drawn with Goodwin's case in the banking sector.
Thanks for your support.
Best wishes, Jane

Anonymous said...

Only in this country could we be so PC that it's gone so OTT. What about all the victims who didn't get justice?
The man is an outrage. I hope he gets his comeuppance one day ...soon, and without a pension.

Jane Dearie said...

Hello Anon - thanks for joining the comments. It certainly feels like it's all over the top and polictical correctedness gone mad. Victims don't ask to be attacked. Perpetrators, especially ex-cops, do know the outcome of being caught and what that entails so why don't they get on with it? I reckon it's exactly because of the skewed ideas of rights for perpetrators in this country and, as you say, PC gone mad. There is no cost to this man so he was bound to go for this line of action .....and any others that might have a positive outcome for him at the expense of the public purse. This week I found out how small my pension will be when I reach retirement age's quite a contrast and sickening. Aye, such is the present justice system in Scotland.
Best wishes, Jane

Anonymous said...

I read your blog all the time and although i don't know you I am so proud of you! You are such an inspiration to me and other women out there! I'm right behind you with what you are doing- you are so brave! It sickens me how much money gets wasted on 'men' like him. It should go to the survivors! I recently got my compensation through and got the maximum you can get for a sexual assualt crime but members of my family want me to send it back as they think it is not enough, seeing as the perpetrator got much more spent on him. Money is not an issue for me but the amount they get spent is almost like rewarding them. Good luck and keep updating!


fidgetbuzz said...

Hi Jane,
Hope your keeping well, this has'nt got much to do with your blog, but just felt I had to say that I think you are an amazingly brave woman. I am sure that many women can take something from your true courage.

Eryl said...

There is an award for you to pick up over at my place, should you wish to accept it. It's kind of for services to blogging, X

Mary Witzl said...

Good for you for having the guts to stick with this. Your strength and commitment to justice encourages others who are weaker than you. You have used this terrible experience to right wrongs, and you deserve everyone's sincere admiration.

Jane Dearie said...

Anon, thanks for your words of encouragement on behalf of all victims of serious sexual crimes, especially the Carruthers victims. Sorry for the lack of updates - sometimes it's all too much and I need a break.

fidgetbuzz - many thanks for that kind comment. I wish I felt that I was courageous! It's just standing up for what is unjust.

Thanks Eryl, I'll try to get to it!

Mary, many thanks too. That's so sweet of you to say. Sorry I haven't felt like I've had much in the way of 'guts' of late. Let's hope there is justice this time round as well - especially for all those women who have been denied justice.

Thanks to you all, Jane